
Body Odors

Humans communicate through body odors much more than what they think possible.

Human Olfaction

The Cinderella sense and what it can tell about how we understand and navigate the world.

Editorial: Affective Sciences through the Chemical Senses

When Preschoolers Follow their Eyes and Older Children Follow their Noses: Visuo-Olfactory Social Affective Matching in Childhood

Recognition of emotional facial expressions is a crucial skill for adaptive behavior that most often occurs in a multi--sensory context. Affective matching tasks have been used across development to investigate how people integrate facial information …

You smell dangerous: Communicating Fight Responses Through Human Chemosignals of Aggression

The ability to detect conspecifics that represent a potential harm for an individual represents a high survival benefit. Humans communicate socially relevant information using all sensory modalities, including the chemosensory systems. In study 1, we …

Enhancement of Odor Sensitivity Following Repeated Odor and Visual Fear Conditioning

Odor detection sensitivity can be rapidly altered by fear conditioning; whether this effect is augmented over time is not known.The present study aimed to test whether repeated conditioning sessions induce changes in odor detection threshold as well …

Commentary Olfactory Aversive Conditioning during Sleep Reduces Cigarette-Smoking Behavior

A commentary on "Olfactory aversive conditioning during sleep reduces cigarette-smoking behavior" by Arzi, A., Holtzman, Y., Samnon, P., Eshel, N., Harel, E., and Sobel, N. (2014). J. Neurosci. 34, 15382–15393.

Facilitation of Action Planning in Children with Autism The Contribution of the Maternal Body Odor

Imitation is a key socio-cognitive skill impaired in individuals with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC). It is known that the familiarity with an actor facilitates the appearance of imitative abilities. Here, we explore whether a highly familiar and …

Kinematics of the Reach-to-Grasp Movement in Vascular Parkinsonism a Comparison with Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease Patients

The performance of patients with vascular parkinsonism (VPD) on a reach-to-grasp task was compared with that of patients affected by idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (IPD) and age-matched control subjects. The aim of the study was to determine how …

Selecting Food. The Contribution of Memory, Liking, and Action

The goal of the present experiment was twofold identifying similarities and differences between flavour memory and visual memory mechanisms and investigating whether kinematics could serve as an implicit measure for food selection. To test flavour …